Sunday 18 March 2012


What a beautiful day for a walkathon ! The kids of Room 4 got to be awesome Life Long Learners on Friday persevering hard to get up the steep hills of Shakespeare Park on a 5km walk. We saw some great wildlife: sheep, pukekos and fantails and we enjoyed the scenery of the Hauraki Gulf as we walked. We loved the Waterfall Gully and climbing up the look-out and were so pleased when we got an ice-block at the end. All this fun and we get to raise money for more netbooks to help us with our learning. Thanks to our fab parent helpers who persevered too !

Thursday 1 March 2012



Room 4 have been learning about how our brains work. We looked at a sheep's brain, it looked like lots of dead worms all stuck together. We could see the cerebrum and the cerebellum - that's the bit that helps us move. We smelled it and thought it smelled like fish and seaweed. The best bit was touching it ! It was squishy and gooey. It made us realise how important it is to look after our brains.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Custom Glitter Text

What an exciting year we are going to have in Rm 4. Our concept this year is "How Stuff Works" and we are going to be doing lots of cool learning about inventors and innovation and hopefully answering some of those questions you may have about how does something actually work. 
So, have a conversation at home or with your buddies and leave a comment or a question here about your wonderings.