Reading – You are expected to read each night, this should be for pleasure, and so can be anything that you enjoy whether that be a comic, recipe book or manual!  If you want any help choosing something JUST ASK :)

Spelling – 230 Words to be learned will be marked with an H (up to 10 words each time) on the 230 word sheet in your homelink book. You need to use the set format in your homelink book to :
  1. write a context sentence for each of these words and,
  2. spell each word twice a night (Mon-Thurs).
Using the Look, Say... method can be helpful:

LOOK at the word you want to learn, and I mean really look. Which bits of the spelling are easy and which are not so obvious? Mark the 'hard spots', that is the difficult part of the word, using a different colour pen. Is the word similar in spelling to another word that has a related meaning? Can you break it into parts?

Have a really good look and think about the spelling until you feel you can spell it.

SAY the word, while looking at it. Is the spelling a reflection of the sound? If not what is different?

COVER the word with your hand, a piece of paper, your coffee cup, the cat or whatever. Close your eyes and try to 'see' the word in your head.


CHECK your spelling by uncovering the word and comparing it with your spelling. Check it letter by letter. If it's wrong, start again; if it's right, have a sip of coffee and tell the cat how clever you are.

  Basic Facts – There will be a basic facts test each Monday. You will be tested on your current goal. You will get flashcards to practise with each night. To pass the test you need to know each fact within 4 seconds without working it out or using your fingers.

  Challenge Programme – This is an optional programme of challenges. Conference with me at any time - JUST ASK :)  

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou Sinead, this is a good blog:)I especially like the links.
    Tracey Foley (Hamish)
